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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


As a solution for a serverless data warehouse, you decided to use BigQuery to store and query data. You built a Dataflow pipeline to read data from Google Storage and import it to BigQuery. You added a few users to access BigQuery for reporting purposes. You want to
monitor the activity on BigQuery by getting details about query count and execution time. You want such metrics to appear on a dashboard to be shared later with other stakeholders. What should you do?

A. Build a script to use gcloud command to extract queries execution time and data size scanned every 1 hour. Send the stats to Operation Suite and create a dashboard showing the metrics.
B. Use Cloud Monitoring to create a dashboard and graphs showing query metrics.
C. You need to contact Google Cloud support in order to enable metrics on BigQuery UI.
D. From BigQuery UI, you can view run queries and execution time. You can share it by exporting the stats to a file.

Answer: B

Operation Suite is a tool from Google to monitor and manage services, containers, applications, and infrastructure. Operation Suite aggregates metrics, logs, and events from infrastructure, giving developers and operators a rich set of observable signals that speed root-cause analysis and reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR). Operation Suite doesn’t require extensive integration and it does not lock developers into using a particular cloud provider.

One of the resources Operation Suite supports monitoring is BigQuery. Operation Suite provides a wide set of metrics to create charts and dashboards for better monitoring of BigQuery such as query
execution time, storage and slots allocated for run queries.


Option A is incorrect: There is no need to send BigQuery metrics to Operation Suite BigQuery can automatically send metrics to Operation Suite after enabling API.

Option C is incorrect: You do not need to contact Google Cloud support to enable metrics sent to Operation Suite. You can enable Operation Suite API if you have the required role(s).

Option D is incorrect: Smart predictor does not show you the approximate execution time for the query.

Operation Suite:
BigQuery Monitoring Using Operation Suite:

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