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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Security Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are part of the security team in your company responsible for the security of its data in the Google Cloud. They use Cloud Storage to store sensitive data.

What of the following does NOT reduce the chance of data exposure?

A. Enable Public access prevention. 
B. IAM permissions and ACL. 
C. Signed Policy Documents. 
D. Firewall rules. 

Correct Answer:

  • Option A is incorrect. This restricts public access to your bucket.
  • Option B is incorrect. This determines who can access your bucket and what actions can be taken on objects.
  • Option C is incorrect. This is used to restrict what objects can be uploaded to a bucket.
  • Option D is CORRECT. This is a network-level traffic restriction into a VPC and does not apply to Cloud Storage. 


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