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Practice Test 2 | AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | SAA-C03 | Dumps | Mock Test


You have created a VPC in Paris region, and one public subnet in each Availability Zone eu-west-3a, eu-west-3b, and eu-west-3c of the same region, and each subnet having one EC2 instance inside it.

Now you want to launch ELB nodes in two AZ’s out of three available. How many private IP addresses will be used by ELB nodes at initial launch of ELB.

A. Three nodes in each AZ will consume three private IP addresses

B. Two nodes in two AZ’s will consume two private IP addresses

C. Two nodes in each AZ’s and one for the ELB service, hence total three IP addresses will be consumed.

D. The ELB services picks the private IP addresses only when the traffic flows through the Elastic Load Balancer.


Answer: Option B

  • A.Three nodes in each AZ will consume three private IP addresses

This option is incorrect because problem statement is we would like to launch the ELB nodes in just two subnets out of three. So the third subnet need not, have the ELB node inside it, and hence no IP address will be consumed.

  • B. Two nodes in two AZ’s will consume two private IP addresses

This is the correct option, as whenever we launch the ELB, the ELB service will create a node in each subnet.

  • C. Two nodes in each AZ’s and one for the ELB service, hence total three IP addresses will be consumed

This is incorrect option as, whenever, we launch an ELB, the ELB service won’t consume an IP address, it’s the ELB node which consumes IP address.

  • D. The ELB services picks the private IP addresses only when the traffic flows through the Elastic Load Balancer

This is incorrect option as the IP addresses are assigned to the nodes at the initial launch of the ELB service.


a.      Before creation of ELB and EC2 instances each subnet has 4091 Available IP addresses.

b.      After creation of EC2 instance, each Subnet holding EC2 will consume one IP hence the resulting Available IP’s will be 4090.

c.      Create ELB and add two subnets, (in this case subnet1 and subnet3) out of three to the ELB service and save it.

d.      Now the resulting Available IP’s will be 4089, 4089 and 4090. Hence TWO IP addresses are consumed by the ELB nodes present in Subnet1 and Subnet3.

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