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Practice Test 1 | AZ 104 | Dumps | Mock Test


Company WebMagic has 2 Azure subscriptions named “Staging” and “Production”.

The “Staging” subscription has the following resource groups.

Name Region Lock type
 rg-staging-1 West Europe None
 rg-staging-2 West Europe Read Only

The company has deployed a web application app-WebMagicweb with the ASP-WebMagicrg1-ba8c App Service plan to the rg-staging-1 resource group. The “Production” subscription has the following resource groups.

Name Region Lock type
 rg-production-3 East Asia Delete
 rg-production-4 Central US None

Would you be able to move app-WebMagicweb to the rg-staging-2 resource group?

A.  Yes
B.  No


There is a “Read-only” lock on the rg-staging-2 resource group. You can still move the web application app-WebMagicweb to the target resource group.

You can’t modify or delete the resource group’s resources with a “Read-only” lock, but you can move resources to the group.

Important note: after a move, web application app-WebMagicweb will be in the new rg-staging-2 resource group. But ASP-WebMagicrg1-ba8c App Service Plan will stay in the rg-staging-1 resource group.

For more information on resource locks, please visit the following URL-

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