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Practice Test 1 | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | CLF-C01 | Dumps | Mock Test


I have a client who is moving their on premise workloads to AWS. Since they are very cost conscious, they would like to get first hand information on their expenses they will incur while using AWS services. Which of the following will help them do that?

A. AWS Cost Explorer
B. AWS Organizations
C. AWS Budgets
D. AWS Pricing Calculator

Correct Answer: D

  • Option A is incorrect since Cost Explorer helps users to view graph displays of cost of your billing data and analyze them & get a forecast for likely spends for the next 12 months. The scenario is more to do with clients getting a cost estimate of different AWS services before they move to AWS cloud
  • Option B is incorrect since AWS Organizations allows clients to consolidate multiple AWS accounts that they may own into an Organization that they can centrally control many parameters like Account billing, IAM permissions etc..AWS Organizations provides a feature called consolidated billing that provides a single bill for multiple accounts
  • Option C is incorrect since AWS Budgets helps clients to plan their service usage, service costs and get informed alerts when the costs reach a certain threshold
  • Option D is CORRECT. Through AWS pricing calculator a client can estimate costs that he will incur for various AWS services that he wishes to use. The pricing calculator guides the user through a set of well defined service parameters eg If S3 is planned to be used for a static website then parameters like “Standard storage per month”; “PUT, COPY, LIST, POST” requests to S3 standard could be relevant for determining the cost of using S3 on a monthly basis.


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