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Node Labels In Docker Swarm

  1. List your current nodes.
    docker node ls
  2. Add a label to a node.
    docker node update --label-add availability_zone=east <NODE_NAME>
    docker node update --label-add availability_zone=west <NODE_NAME>
  3. View existing labels with:
    docker node inspect --pretty <NODE_NAME>
  4. You can use --constraint when creating a service to restrict which nodes will be used to execute a service’s tasks.
    docker service create --name nginx-east --constraint node.labels.availability_zone==east --replicas 3 nginx
    docker service ps nginx-east
    docker service create --name nginx-west --constraint node.labels.availability_zone!=east --replicas 3 nginx
    docker service ps nginx-west
  5. Use --placement-pref to spread tasks evenly based on the value of a specific label.
    docker service create --name nginx-spread --placement-pref spread=node.labels.availability_zone --replicas 3 nginx
    docker service ps nginx-spread

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