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Introduction to Docker Services

  1. Create a simple service running the nginx image.
    docker service create nginx
  2. Create an nginx service with a specified name, multiple replicas, and a published port.
    docker service create --name nginx --replicas 3 -p 8080:80 nginx
  3. Use a template to pass the node hostname to each container as an environment variable.
    docker service create --name node-hostname --replicas 3 --env NODE_HOSTNAME="{{.Node.Hostname}}" nginx
  4. Get the container running on the current machine, and print its environment variables to verify that the NODE_HOSTNAME variable is set properly.
    docker ps
    docker exec <CONTAINER_ID> printenv
  5. List the services in the cluster.
    docker service ls
  6. List the tasks for a service.
    docker service ps nginx
  7. Inspect a service.
    docker service inspect nginx
    docker service inspect --pretty nginx
  8. Change a service.
    docker service update --replicas 2 nginx
  9. Delete a service.
    docker service rm nginx
  10. Create a global service.
    docker service create --name nginx --mode global nginx
  11. Two different ways to scale a service:
    docker service update --replicas 3 nginx
    docker service scale nginx=4

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