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Elastic Compute Cloud


You have a video transcoding application running on Amazon EC2. Each instance polls a queue to find out which video should be transcoded, and then runs a transcoding process. If this process is interrupted, the video gets transcoded by another instance based on the queuing system. You have a large backlog of videos that need to be transcoded and you would like to reduce this backlog by adding more instances. These instances will only be needed until the backlog is reduced. What Amazon EC2 Instance type should you use to reduce the backlog in the most cost-efficient way?

A. Reserved Instances

B. Spot Instances

C. Dedicated Instances

D. On-Demand Instances

B. Spot Instances
Since the above scenario is similar to a batch processing job, the best instance type to use is a Spot Instance. Spot Instances are normally used in batch processing jobs. Since these jobs don’t last for an entire year, they can be bid upon and allocated and deallocated as requested. Reserved Instances/Dedicated Instances cannot be used since this is not a 100% used application.There is no mention on a continuous demand of work in the above scenario, hence there is no need to use On-Demand Instances.For more information on Spot Instances, please visit the following URL:

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