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Dockerizing Python, Flask & Redis Application

  1. Prerequisite
    1. Install Docker on EC2 or VM, please refer this link
    2. Clone this repository
  2. Building and Pushing Docker Images
    1. Build flask application docker image using:
      docker image build -t web1 .
    2. Inspect image
      docker image inspect web1
    3. Tag image
      docker image build -t web1:1.0 .
    4. Get list of docker images
      docker image ls
    5. Remove the created image using:
      docker image rm web1:1.0
    6. Login to docker hub using
      docker login
    7. Prepare docker image to push to docker hub tagging repo name and version
      docker image tag web1 dab8106/web1:latest
    8. Check the tagged image
      docker image ls
    9. Push the image to docker hub
      docker image push dab8106/web1
    10. Remove the docker image which you pushed to docker hub in last step
      docker image rm -f [image id]
    11. Now pull the image from docker hub
      docker pull dab8106/web1
  3. Running Docker Containers
    1. Tag image dab8106/web with web1
      docker image tag dab8106/web1 web1
    2. Remove docker image with dab8106/web1
      docker image rm dab8106/web1
    3. Run your docker image, check in browser by putting Public IP followed port 5000
      docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -e web1
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
    4. Remove container manually using container ID
      docker container rm [container id]
    5. Again run container
      docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -e --rm --name web1 web1
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
    6. Check for docker image
      docker container ls -a
    7. Again run container
      docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -e --rm --name web1 -d web1
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
    8. Check container logs
      docker container logs web1
    9. Check container logs in trailing mode
      docker container logs -f web1
    10. Check container metrics
      docker container stats
    11. Run a new container
      docker container run -it -p 5000 -e --rm --name web1_2 -d --restart on-failure web1
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
      --restart on-failure = restarts the container when daemon or host fails and back online
    12. Stop the containers
      docker container stop web1
      docker container stop web1_2
  4. Live Code Reloading With Volumes
    1. docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -e –rm –name web1 web1
    2. docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 –rm –name web1 web1
    3. Now change return value in
      To apply the changes you will need to rebuild the image
      docker image build -t web1 .
    4. We can’t be rebuild docker image very time whenever there’s a code change, so we will mount a directory to container
      docker container run -it -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 --rm --name web1 -v $PWD:/app web1
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -v = Define volume
    5. Now make changes to return value in python, we wont need to build the image again rather our directory to container hence changes will be visible in browser
    6. Inspect container for attached volume
      docker container inspect web1
  5. Linking Containers With Docker Networks
    1. Switch 04 Linking Containers With Docker Network directory of cloned repo & build a new docker image with tag as web2
      docker image build -t web2 .
    2. Pull Redis based of alpine from docker hub
      docker image pull redis:3.2-alpine
    3. List of docker network
      docker network ls
    4. Inspect a network
      docker network inspect bridge
    5. Run a redis container
      docker run --rm -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis redis:3.2-alpine
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      -it = interactive mode
      -d = Run container is background
      --name = Define container name
    6. Run a flask container
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 --name web2 -v $PWD:/app web2
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
      -v = Define volume
    7. Check IP address of redis container
      docker exec redis ifconfig
    8. Check IP address of web2 container
      docker exec web2 ifconfig
    9. Ping redis conatiner from web2 using redis container’s IP address
      docker exec web2 ping
    10. Check redis container hosts file
      docker exec redis cat /etc/hosts
    11. Creating a custom bridge network
      docker network create --driver bridge firstnetwork


    12. Inspect newly created network
      docker network inspect firstnetwork
    13. Stop redis & web2 containers
      docker container stop web2
      docker container stop redis
    14. Run redis & web2 container in newly created network
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis --net firstnetwork redis:3.2-alpine
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 --name web2 --net firstnetwork -v $PWD:/app web2
      -e =execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
      -v = Define volume
      -net = Define network
    15. Ping redis container from web2 using docker name, this is only possible in custom network not in default network
      docker exec web2 ping redis
    16. Lets run some redis-cli commands to check counter in action
      docker exec -it redis redis-cli
      KEYS *
      INCRBY web2_counter 1000000
    17. Stop web2 & redis containers
      docker container stop web2
      docker container stop redis
  6. Persisting Data to Your Docker Host
    1. Create a new docker volume named as web2_redis
      docker volume create web2_redis
    2. Get list of docker volumes
      docker volume ls
    3. Inspect docker volumes
      docker volume inspect web2_redis
    4. Run a redis container with new created docker volume attached to it
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis --net firstnetwork -v web2_redis:/data redis:3.2-alpine
      -e = execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
      -v = Define volume
      -net = Define network
    5. Launch Flask application in browser, so counter can be incremented
    6. Save state of redis using redis-cli, so counter state is saved
      docker exec redis redis-cli SAVE
    7. Stop redis container
      docker container stop redis
    8. Re-run redis container
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis --net firstnetwork -v web2_redis:/data redis:3.2-alpine
    9. Launch Flask application in browser, so counter can be incremented
      Here you will see counter is managed, this happens because state of redis container was saved inside a docker volume!
    10. Stop web2 & redis container
      docker container stop redis
      docker container stop web2
  7. Sharing Data Between Containers
    1. Navigate to “06 Sharing Data Between Containers” directory of cloned repo, then build new docker image
      In the docker file, we have expose a directory from container as a volume which can be used by other container a docker volume

      docker build -t web2 .
    2. Run web2 container
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 --name web2 --net firstnetwork -v $PWD:/app web2
      -e = execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
      -v = Define volume
      -net = Define network
    3. Run redis container
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis --net firstnetwork --volumes-from web2 redis:3.2-alpine
      -e = execute command in Docker
      -p = Define container & host port
      -it = interactive mode
      -rm = removes container when it stopped
      --name = Define container name
      -d = Run container is background
      -v = Define volume
      -net = Define network
      --volumes-from = help you mount volume of other container
    4. You can login to redis container to verify if app/public/main.css is available or not
      docker exec -it redis sh
      cd /
      ls -la
      cat app/public/main.css
    5. Stop both container
      docker container stop web2
      docker container stop redis
  8. Optimizing Your Docker Images
    1. Navigate to “07 Optimizing Your Docker Images” & build an optimize image of this app
      docker image build -t weboptimized .
  9. Running Scripts When a Container Starts
    1. Navigate to “08 Running Scripts When a Container Starts” and run redis container
      docker container run --rm -itd -p 6379:6379 --name redis --net firstnetwork redis:3.2-alpine
    2. Build a docker image tagged as webentrypoint, this docker file has statement for entrypoint
      docker image build -t webentrypoint .
    3. Run your webentrypoint container
      docker container run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 --name webentrypoint --net firstnetwork -v $PWD:/app webentrypoint
      CTRL + C
    4. Run your webentrypoint container
      docker container run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 -e -e FLASK_DEBUG=1 -e WEB2_COUNTER_MSG="Docker fans have visited this page" --name webentrypoint --net firstnetwork webentrypoint
  10. Cleaning Up After Yourself
    1. Few clean up commands
      docker system df
      docker system df -v
      docker system info
      docker system prune
      docker system prune -f
      docker system prune -a
      docker container stop web2 redis
      docker container stop $(docker container ls -a -q)
  11. Adding Docker Compose Support
    1. Navigate to “09 Docker Compose”
    2. Rest is magic now! Done by do docker-compose.yml file
      docker-compose up --build -d
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