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Creating an Application Insights Web Test and Alert for App Service

  1. Create an Azure App service with default setting, please refer this link for help
  2. Once your app service is created, go to Application insights section and Enable application with Recommended option enabled

    you can also enable option like Profiler, snapshot debugger & SQL commands
  3. Once this is done, go to Azure monitor service and then Application insight section
  4. Inside Application insight on app service click on Availability tab
  5. Click on Add test

    • Test Name: Name of test of your choice
    • Test type: Ping test, it will your app service url from various location
    • URL: Put App service URL here
    • Parse dependent resource: When enabled, the test requests images, scripts, style files, and other files that are part of the web page under test. The recorded response time includes the time taken to get these files. The test fails if all these resources cannot be successfully downloaded within the timeout for the whole test. If this option is not enabled, the test only requests the file at the URL you specified.
    • Enable retries for availability test failures:  If the test fails, we’ll try it again after 20 seconds. We’ll record a failure only if it fails three times in a row.
    • Test frequency: The frequency at which this test will be executed periodically
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