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Creating a Docker Bridge Network

  1. Create a bridge network and demonstrate that two containers can communicate using the network.
    docker network create my-net
    docker run -d --name my-net-busybox --network my-net radial/busyboxplus:curl sleep 3600
    docker run -d --name my-net-nginx nginx
    docker network connect my-net my-net-nginx
    docker exec my-net-busybox curl my-net-nginx:80
  2. Create a container with a network alias and communicate with it from another container using both the name and the alias.
    docker run -d --name my-net-nginx2 --network my-net --network-alias my-nginx-alias nginx
    docker exec my-net-busybox curl my-net-nginx2:80
    docker exec my-net-busybox curl my-nginx-alias:80
  3. Create a container and provide a network alias with the docker network connect command.
    docker run -d --name my-net-nginx3 nginx
    docker network connect --alias another-alias my-net my-net-nginx3
    docker exec my-net-busybox curl another-alias:80
  4. Manage existing networks on a Docker host.
    docker network ls
    docker network inspect my-net
    docker network disconnect my-net my-net-nginx
    docker network rm my-net

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