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Working With Variables In Ansible

  1. Gathering Facts:
    1. Whenever you ansible against hosts ansible some information as metadata in var which can be later used for efficiently generalizing our playbook
    2. Lets try to get which information is stored in ansible variable by running
      ansible -m setup app1
  2. Using Ansible gathering facts varible
    1. We will try to hostname of webserver into a webpage by using ansible variable
    2. Please make changes in your setup-app.yml file
    3. Now run your playbook with:
      ansible-playbook setup-app.yml
  3. Using local variable
    1. Local variable be defined in playbooks itself
    2. We will use dir variable to defined /var/www/html as a variable and call it whenever needed in playbook
    3. Please make changes in your setup-app.yml file
    4. Now run your playbook with:
      ansible-playbook setup-app.yml
  4. Using registered variable
    1. Create variables from info returned from tasks ran using register
    2. Call the registered variables for later use
    3. Use the debug module anytime to see variables and debug our playbooks
    4. Please make changes in your setup-app.yml file
    5. Now run your playbook with:
      ansible-playbook setup-app.yml
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